Tournament Judge / Secondary Build Master
- Maintain and monitor all internal builds
- Determine bug and feature statuses both before and after builds
- Track high profile issues from initial submission through each environment to ensure complete fixes
- Live events, both on and offsite (TwitchCon 2015 H1Z1 Invitational, H1Z1 Showdown 2015, TwitchCon 2016 H1Z1 Invitational)
- Create integral documentation, procedures, and processes
- Coordinate with Development and Quality Assurance teams to maximize testing in a limited amount of time
- Schedule and coordinate daily internal play tests with multiple employees (50+) from every team
- Prepare for specific test cases that emulate potential worst-case scenarios at the event
- Assist Quality Assurance in preparation for major updates
- Test new features in unique ways
- Throughly document new potential issues
- Document new systems, both for the end user and other customer service personnel
- Alert producers/managers/leads at discovery of possible game breaking bugs