This project is now considered finished (as of May 2014), but may be brought back to life at a later date.
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Pitch: The game is And Carry a Big Stick. It’s a 3D third-person shooter game set in the year 1912, branching into alternative history with the tension of fighting an implacable foe to save the free world from robotic domination. The player will take on the role of Theodore Roosevelt, aided by his unnamed saboteur sidekick to thwart the plans of the illegitimate robot regime. The player will struggle against the environment and foe alike using both period-specific and futuristic weapons purloined from the opposition in a fast-paced, level-by-level spree of robotic mayhem to preserve the human race. (Game concept/pitch by Stephen Haines, all art assets by Kevin Smith, with sounds and UI designed by Vance George.)
- Lead Programmer
- UI Scripter
- Moose Enthusiast
- Official Note Taker
- Final capstone project
- Unity3d
- C#
- 100% original
- Art assets
- Code
- Sounds
- 10 weeks to complete
- Must have a single playable level
- Including win/loss conditions
- Smooth movement
- Must have good documentation
- UML diagrams
- Flowcharts
- Game Spec
- Technical documentation
- Milestones
- Must be presented at the end of the course
- Power Point
- Group presentation
- Must have some code written by each team member
- Must have a single playable level
Specific Duties:
- Coordinate tasks
- Version control
- Integration + documentation
- Script the basics of the game
- Character controller
- Main camera
- Weapon switching
- Various health/ammo drops
- Collision detection
- Hit detection -> raycasting
- Documentation
- Demo (EXE) [found here]
- Documentation (PDF) [found here]
- Programming Content (p. 76)
- Code Structure (p. 79)
- Concerns and Alternatives (p. 79)
- Resources (p. 80)
- Technical Matrix (p. 81)
- Appendix A: Project UML Documentation (p. 84)
- Appendix B: Team Meeting Notes (p. 92)
- Appendix C: Capstone Activity Log (p. 144)
- Appendix D: Ongoing Code Changelog (p. 209)
- Presentation (PPT) [found here]
- Overview (slide 16)
- Integration example (slide 17)
- Original UML (slide 18)
- Final UML (slide 19)
- Defining moment (slide 20)